Oliviero Toscani "shock" against anorexia
Tuesday 'September 25, 2007
Now in major Italian cities, clinging to billboards ten feet by six, a young woman with a hollow face, eyes and incredibly sad that a naked body is just a pile of bones, we will look right in the face to testify the drama of a disease too often underestimated.
The campaign "No Anorexia" created by Oliviero Toscani for the brand "Nolita" and supported by the Turkish Health Minister Livia, in part at the beginning of contemporary fashion week in Milan. The photographer himself has described the image as a shock, "a sort of scream of Munch's" launched against anorexia.
Toscani is not New advertising campaigns and social awareness provocative. We recall that two years ago designed the clothing brand Rare, in which two men touching and kissing.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Why Does The Chest Hurt In Herpes Zoster?
Melandri, doubts over the Tuscan countryside
http:// www.agi.it/milano/notizie/200709282035-cro-rmi1057-art.html
(AGI) - Milan, September 28 - "I have strong doubts about the advertising campaign created by Oliviero Toscani for the fashion house Nolita anorexia." The claims, in a statement, the Minister for Youth Policy Giovanna Melandri. "As we have reported in recent months, many experts, in fact - he adds - to show the body of a sick young woman is likely, albeit unintentionally, to produce stigma against girls dropped dramatically in the phenomenon of eating disorders. Fighting anorexia does not mean throw shocking images in the vast sea media, but is planning long-term prevention campaigns that ignore the true nature of eating disorders are serious psychiatric illnesses, discomfort of the soul. Moreover, I believe that beyond the 'initiative-spot advertising, fashion houses should show their sense of responsibility' through concrete commitments, such as those we have asked them through the national demonstration against the self-fashion ' anorexia, signed last December 22. For example, making available to customers in stores, sizes such as 46 and 48, by not wearing a thin models on the catwalk 'sick' and undertook to forward a model of beauty at least diversified. "(AGI)
http:// www.agi.it/milano/notizie/200709282035-cro-rmi1057-art.html
(AGI) - Milan, September 28 - "I have strong doubts about the advertising campaign created by Oliviero Toscani for the fashion house Nolita anorexia." The claims, in a statement, the Minister for Youth Policy Giovanna Melandri. "As we have reported in recent months, many experts, in fact - he adds - to show the body of a sick young woman is likely, albeit unintentionally, to produce stigma against girls dropped dramatically in the phenomenon of eating disorders. Fighting anorexia does not mean throw shocking images in the vast sea media, but is planning long-term prevention campaigns that ignore the true nature of eating disorders are serious psychiatric illnesses, discomfort of the soul. Moreover, I believe that beyond the 'initiative-spot advertising, fashion houses should show their sense of responsibility' through concrete commitments, such as those we have asked them through the national demonstration against the self-fashion ' anorexia, signed last December 22. For example, making available to customers in stores, sizes such as 46 and 48, by not wearing a thin models on the catwalk 'sick' and undertook to forward a model of beauty at least diversified. "(AGI)
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Spinbrush Replacement Heads
Anorexia: the desperation behind the manifesto
About the campaign "against" the anorexia of Oliviero Toscani
Published on September 26 the newspaper online: www.lecceprima.it
Once again back to talk about all the media for eating disorders, especially anorexia. The occasion is the death of an anorexic model, you will remember, it happened about a year ago, both technical and nontechnical, patients and former patients, politicians and TV hosts, journalists and commentators, have questioned the issue and someone tried to suggest operational responses. The result was a national manifesto of self-regulation of the Italian fashion promoted by the Ministry of Youth and sports, the National Chamber of Italian Fashion and AltaRoma in order to build positive aesthetic models as a practical tool for prevention. Today, however, because it Thin (or should we say thanks?) Advertising campaign - described by the authors of awareness and information on anorexia (anorexia, no, no-l-ita) - made Oliviero Toscani by showing a photograph of an emaciated body very arousing valence opposite reactions among the public. In a society where the appearance is the only way to 'exist' that is touted, it is no wonder that all this happens. Most of the advertising deal on the pursuit of sensationalism in order to involve the reader distracted. But the public square, that is, under the eyes of all in the true sense of the word, today's pain and despair of so many girls who have had the misfortune of getting one of the most serious psychiatric diseases that involve the whole mind and the body to consume.
Sono una psichiatra che si occupa da più di vent’anni di disturbi del comportamento alimentare e che dirige un centro pubblico, presso la ASL di Lecce, per la cura e la ricerca di queste gravissime patologie che interessano una fascia di popolazione infantile e adolescenziale sempre più vasta. Gli operatori quotidianamente a contatto con ragazze e ragazzi ammalati di anoressia, bulimia e altri disturbi dell’alimentazione cerca di informare e sensibilizzare le Istituzioni e l’opinione pubblica circa le conseguenze per il corpo e per la mente di abitudini alimentari anomale e del risvolto sociale di queste patologie. Tuttavia, fa più rumore la notizia della morte di una persona anoressica (le percentuali si aggirano intorno al 15-20% dei casi) o una campagna pubblicitaria “commerciale” che ha la pretesa di fare prevenzione.
È pur vero che qualche giorno fa il ministro della salute e il ministro per le politiche giovanili e le attività sportive, hanno sottoscritto un protocollo d’intesa, per la definizione e lo sviluppo di iniziative congiunte all’interno del programma “Guadagnare la salute” volte a promuovere comportamenti salutari. Al punto 6 dell’articolo 1 dell’accordo si impegnano a: “promuovere iniziative di informazione e comunicazione volte a favorire un rapporto equilibrato con l’immagine corporea, tenuto conto delle implicazioni che la comunità scientifica ascrive ai fattori socio-culturali nell’insorgenza and dissemination, particularly among young people, eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, psychogenic obesity and other eating disorders) "in paragraph 5 of Article 2 is expected to open" information and communication initiatives to prevent all forms of youth problems, including eating disorders, including through the provision of specialized information tools, in agreement with the institutions involved and with the support of specialists and organizations working in the field. "
However, it must remember the need, within an overall project to build a public network for the care of these disorders through the establishment of specialized centers that address a psychiatric problem among the most complex in an integrated and multidisciplinary approach is ascertained by the international scientific literature as the most effective treatment. You must also provide adequate training of operators.
express some of my considerations, subject to comparison with the public and the scientific community.
1. While the aim of the campaign "No Anorexia No-l-ita" is to raise awareness of a disease, its construction will be needed for both technical experts in eating disorders is in communication Name: who they are, if any, experienced specialists involved by Toscani and Flash & Partners in the construction of the proposed social message and evaluation of its impact on people? Many are, in fact, scientific research in recent years that highlight the fact that some information provided to the children about eating disorders and promote the emergence of the latter occur, rather than prevent it.
2. Another consideration arises from the fact that one of the main symptoms of the disease anorexia and "distortion of body image," that is an altered perception of their own forms leads us to believe that his body never sufficiently magro (un’anoressica che pesa anche 27 kg guardandosi allo specchio si vede grassa). Potrebbero queste immagini provocare invidia e stimolo alla emulazione piuttosto che portare i giovanissimi (e non) a prendere le distanze dai comportamenti alimentari disturbati?
3. Negli ultimi anni c’è stata una esplosione di siti web pro-anoressia, molto frequentati dai giovanissimi e inneggianti la malattia quale condizione speciale, che espongono immagini simili a quella utilizzata da Toscani. Questi siti fanno continuamente adepti. Potrebbero farli anche queste immagini pubblicitarie?
4. Se è vero che tra i principali fattori predisponenti l’anoressia e la bulimia si riscontrano un deficit dell’autostima e un fallimento nella construction of identity, such messages can help to have more consideration and respect for themselves, stimulate the discovery and appreciation of diversity and uniqueness and to suggest the message that all people have the right to citizenship and especially need to be loved for what they are, whatever their shape?
5. It is a social community built for those who understand the "reports" that there is no ideal weight but a range of body weight specific to each person and is influenced by many factors, not least those genetic?
6. Other prevention campaigns based on risk factors such as drugs, smoking, alcohol have failed in their aim. It would be more useful to construct prevention campaigns based on protective factors, those that suggest effective tools and enhance personal skills and solve the discomfort?
7. Rather than always say NO to something to avoid, you can begin to say YES to something proactive? I invite you to visit this regard www.perlabellezzaautentica.it, advertising campaign for Dove Self-Esteem.
few years ago, the collaboration between the association and Salome Onlus Big Sur was born an awareness campaign about anorexia and bulimia entitled Weigh different - Pe (n) different who tried to propose "a alternative way to gently protest against the Steamer culture of our society to be thin, as if that were the only way to achieve success and esteem, or be happy. To celebrate whatever size we have, and do not let that concern about weight and shape of our body, conditional on the quality of our lives. Because each of us makes a difference. " Perhaps another way, besides the hype, it does.
Cathy Renna
About the campaign "against" the anorexia of Oliviero Toscani
Published on September 26 the newspaper online: www.lecceprima.it
Once again back to talk about all the media for eating disorders, especially anorexia. The occasion is the death of an anorexic model, you will remember, it happened about a year ago, both technical and nontechnical, patients and former patients, politicians and TV hosts, journalists and commentators, have questioned the issue and someone tried to suggest operational responses. The result was a national manifesto of self-regulation of the Italian fashion promoted by the Ministry of Youth and sports, the National Chamber of Italian Fashion and AltaRoma in order to build positive aesthetic models as a practical tool for prevention. Today, however, because it Thin (or should we say thanks?) Advertising campaign - described by the authors of awareness and information on anorexia (anorexia, no, no-l-ita) - made Oliviero Toscani by showing a photograph of an emaciated body very arousing valence opposite reactions among the public. In a society where the appearance is the only way to 'exist' that is touted, it is no wonder that all this happens. Most of the advertising deal on the pursuit of sensationalism in order to involve the reader distracted. But the public square, that is, under the eyes of all in the true sense of the word, today's pain and despair of so many girls who have had the misfortune of getting one of the most serious psychiatric diseases that involve the whole mind and the body to consume.
Sono una psichiatra che si occupa da più di vent’anni di disturbi del comportamento alimentare e che dirige un centro pubblico, presso la ASL di Lecce, per la cura e la ricerca di queste gravissime patologie che interessano una fascia di popolazione infantile e adolescenziale sempre più vasta. Gli operatori quotidianamente a contatto con ragazze e ragazzi ammalati di anoressia, bulimia e altri disturbi dell’alimentazione cerca di informare e sensibilizzare le Istituzioni e l’opinione pubblica circa le conseguenze per il corpo e per la mente di abitudini alimentari anomale e del risvolto sociale di queste patologie. Tuttavia, fa più rumore la notizia della morte di una persona anoressica (le percentuali si aggirano intorno al 15-20% dei casi) o una campagna pubblicitaria “commerciale” che ha la pretesa di fare prevenzione.
È pur vero che qualche giorno fa il ministro della salute e il ministro per le politiche giovanili e le attività sportive, hanno sottoscritto un protocollo d’intesa, per la definizione e lo sviluppo di iniziative congiunte all’interno del programma “Guadagnare la salute” volte a promuovere comportamenti salutari. Al punto 6 dell’articolo 1 dell’accordo si impegnano a: “promuovere iniziative di informazione e comunicazione volte a favorire un rapporto equilibrato con l’immagine corporea, tenuto conto delle implicazioni che la comunità scientifica ascrive ai fattori socio-culturali nell’insorgenza and dissemination, particularly among young people, eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, psychogenic obesity and other eating disorders) "in paragraph 5 of Article 2 is expected to open" information and communication initiatives to prevent all forms of youth problems, including eating disorders, including through the provision of specialized information tools, in agreement with the institutions involved and with the support of specialists and organizations working in the field. "
However, it must remember the need, within an overall project to build a public network for the care of these disorders through the establishment of specialized centers that address a psychiatric problem among the most complex in an integrated and multidisciplinary approach is ascertained by the international scientific literature as the most effective treatment. You must also provide adequate training of operators.
express some of my considerations, subject to comparison with the public and the scientific community.
1. While the aim of the campaign "No Anorexia No-l-ita" is to raise awareness of a disease, its construction will be needed for both technical experts in eating disorders is in communication Name: who they are, if any, experienced specialists involved by Toscani and Flash & Partners in the construction of the proposed social message and evaluation of its impact on people? Many are, in fact, scientific research in recent years that highlight the fact that some information provided to the children about eating disorders and promote the emergence of the latter occur, rather than prevent it.
2. Another consideration arises from the fact that one of the main symptoms of the disease anorexia and "distortion of body image," that is an altered perception of their own forms leads us to believe that his body never sufficiently magro (un’anoressica che pesa anche 27 kg guardandosi allo specchio si vede grassa). Potrebbero queste immagini provocare invidia e stimolo alla emulazione piuttosto che portare i giovanissimi (e non) a prendere le distanze dai comportamenti alimentari disturbati?
3. Negli ultimi anni c’è stata una esplosione di siti web pro-anoressia, molto frequentati dai giovanissimi e inneggianti la malattia quale condizione speciale, che espongono immagini simili a quella utilizzata da Toscani. Questi siti fanno continuamente adepti. Potrebbero farli anche queste immagini pubblicitarie?
4. Se è vero che tra i principali fattori predisponenti l’anoressia e la bulimia si riscontrano un deficit dell’autostima e un fallimento nella construction of identity, such messages can help to have more consideration and respect for themselves, stimulate the discovery and appreciation of diversity and uniqueness and to suggest the message that all people have the right to citizenship and especially need to be loved for what they are, whatever their shape?
5. It is a social community built for those who understand the "reports" that there is no ideal weight but a range of body weight specific to each person and is influenced by many factors, not least those genetic?
6. Other prevention campaigns based on risk factors such as drugs, smoking, alcohol have failed in their aim. It would be more useful to construct prevention campaigns based on protective factors, those that suggest effective tools and enhance personal skills and solve the discomfort?
7. Rather than always say NO to something to avoid, you can begin to say YES to something proactive? I invite you to visit this regard www.perlabellezzaautentica.it, advertising campaign for Dove Self-Esteem.
few years ago, the collaboration between the association and Salome Onlus Big Sur was born an awareness campaign about anorexia and bulimia entitled Weigh different - Pe (n) different who tried to propose "a alternative way to gently protest against the Steamer culture of our society to be thin, as if that were the only way to achieve success and esteem, or be happy. To celebrate whatever size we have, and do not let that concern about weight and shape of our body, conditional on the quality of our lives. Because each of us makes a difference. " Perhaps another way, besides the hype, it does.
Cathy Renna
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