Art. 1 – L’Associazione “
IncontrArci ” di Sant’Anastasia (Napoli), indice la IX Edizione del
Concorso Nazionale di Poesia “Città di Sant’Anastasia” , al quale potranno partecipare tutti i cittadini residenti in Italia o all’estero, purché l’elaborato sia in lingua italiana.
Le precedenti edizioni del concorso sono state promosse e patrocinate dal
Comune di Sant’Anastasia. Il patrocinio è stato richiesto anche per questa nona edizione. L’organizzazione, il coordinamento e la segreteria del concorso sono affidate the Literary Circle
Article 2 - There are two sections:
Sec. A - Developed in the Italian language on any subject of maximum 50 lines each.
Sec. B - Developed in Italian or Neapolitan dialect, inspired by the theme "Environment and
Vesuvius area, maximum 50 lines each.
Article 3 - It 's possible involvement in both sections with a maximum
2 (two) compiled for each section, to be submitted in 6 copies, of which only one must bear in Addendum: name, date and place of birth, address, telephone number and any e-mail, indicating the desired section, a declaration of authenticity. E 'desirable but not necessary a brief curriculum literary author.
Article 4 - We require a contribution towards costs of the secretariat of
Euro 10.00 (ten/00), payable on ccp no.
63401236 payable to the Association "Meet us
, with reason: Poetry Competition City of St. Anastasia Edition IX.
The fee of € 10 will allow participation by one or both sections provided. Photocopy the payment will have to be attached to the elaborate.
Article 5 - The envelope containing the papers and proof of payment must be sent to:
. Please avoid highly recommended. E 'can also be sent by electronic mail to In this case you must attach the photocopy of versamento, oppure indicarne gli estremi.
Gli elaborati non saranno restituiti. L’Organizzazione non risponde di eventuali disguidi postali o mancati recapiti.
Art. 6 – Sono previsti i seguenti premi:
Per la Sez. A: 1° premio Euro 600; 2° premio Euro 350; 3° premio Euro 250.
Per la Sez. B: Targhe ai primi due classificati.
Eventuali premi speciali.
Saranno inoltre conferiti altri riconoscimenti consistenti in manufatti in rame dell’artigianato locale, libri e pubblicazioni artistiche. Diplomi con motivazioni per i premiati e i segnalati. Attestati di partecipazione per i poeti presenti alla cerimonia di premiazione. Non saranno prizes awarded ex-aequo.
will be extrapolated to a ranking party for all participants and young children (up to 23 years), and local participants, that will receive special recognition. These rankings do not preclude the participant or local youth to eventually earn prizes and awards planned for the two sections A and B.
Article 7 - It 's possible plans to print a booklet with the winning poems and motivations. This booklet will be distributed free during the ceremony.
Article 8 - The names of the examining board, whose decision is final, will be announced on the day of the awards ceremony to be held in St. Anastasia in the day and place to be determined (by the end of May 2011). Only the winners will be notified and reported. The other participants will know the results of the competition sites: ; , and other literary sites, or by calling the Secretariat.
Prizes must be collected directly by the owners. Only in case of serious and proven unavailable, it shall be delegated in writing. Otherwise, prizes will not be delivered or shipped.
Article. 10 of Law 675/96, shall ensure that personal data relating to participants will be used solely for the purposes of the competition.
For further information, is available to the Secretariat (Tel. 081.5301490 morning, 081.5301386 evenings) e-mail: .
The Secretariat thanks all those who want to spread the news of this poetry competition.
Please do not wait until the last day for submission of entries, in order to facilitate the work of the Secretariat and the Jury.