Monday, February 28, 2011

Will Toenail Grow Back After Fungus

Poetry: Bruno Galluccio in Telese Terme (BN)

Conversation with Bruno Galluccio

"Vertical "

Mercoledì 2 marzo 2011, ore 18 .30

Fondazione "Gerardino Romano"

Piazzetta G. Romano, 15

Telese Terme (BN)

Mercoledì 2 marzo 2011 , alle ore 18.30 , la Fondazione “ Gerardino Romano ”, head office in Piazzetta G. Romano, No 15, Telese Terme (BN), will host the poet Bruno Galluccio, a Neapolitan, with a degree in Physics, also passed in a telecommunications company. The meeting will be coordinated by prof. Happy Casucci . We will discuss the book: "Vertical " , Einaudi, 2009, the first literary work of great depth and high-impact editorial author Naples. In his work, Galluccio, expresses a tension that borders on the unspeakable literary. The moments of the work ( emerging plan, projections, mathematician Georg Contor, Vertical ) experiment with various linguistic and thematic expectations, calculations, sounds, spaces, painful silence, sidereal movements, acquiescence, eclipse, skew curves, measures and limits, unanswered eyes, insomnia, words like cold drops, books that light the night like a candle, the dead come back for a while, acquittals and convictions, discontinuities in the ruin, the thoughts of sharp objects, vertical closed pens with memories, circles, having ice, smiles that come from ancient times, hurried steps and strong runs in the words deaf, homes austere solitude of the tables, celestial mechanics, night trains and stations stunned lamps, frames fetal mute syllables, planets reminiscent breaths, drop, effects, phrases, mutilated, relentless rain, hair almost timid, exclamation inappropriate, steep streets, shells that can accommodate all the water. This tale of poetry alive! This is the testimony of the poet of today!

Foundation meetings are open to the public, are held every week and represent a moment of dialogue which aims to promote cultural growth, balanced and sustainable, the Samnite territory.

Flue Damper Operation

Pupa Very Vintage: Review on new purchases. Healing

As announced in the post a few days ago about the collection P / E of Very Vintage Pupa, I made new purchases and this time I think they are really the last to know ^ ^ My general opinion about the collection I refer to my previous post: . As I said before, this collection so much I appreciated the creamy lipsticks that are glossed and effect. That is after I purchased the tone 02 Nude Rose that is just a bare, I also won the 2003 Coral Dream , a very bright coral color, but portabilissimo. Finally, I bought those two glazes coordinated with the colors of the lipsticks: the lasting color Pink Kiss 208 and 505 Divine Red . Here are my Very Vintage shopping at all (the pictures were taken all with natural light and no flash):

From left to right Pupa Very Vintage: Nude Sheer Lipstick 02 Rose, Lasting Color Pink Kiss 208, 505 Divine Lasting Color Red, Sheer Lipstick Coral Dream 03.

start with the lipsticks I had spoken in detail in previous post. The first one I bought I liked it so much that I ran to get a new one! Of the three colors I did not buy the 01Cosmopolitan Fuchsia because I liked as seen in the photos online, I thought it was a live color "Big Babol" that personally excites me and also I have another like it. The texture of these lipsticks is wonderful ... you moisturize your lips more than a lip balm, so good with the cold of this period. We must say that after using them a few days, I noticed that the full effect and glossed fades quickly, leaving only the glow on the lips of the blend color. Problem easily solved by putting lipstick on several occasions. Besides these lipsticks are not born to have a long lasting, but just to give lips shine, softness and a volumizing effect optical obviously. The price is 13 €, but varies from perfume to perfume. The deadline is 24 months after opening, and the content is 3.8 ml. Here's the swatch:

  • Sheer Lipstick 03 Coral Dream:
It 's a coral color that it looks a very orange, laid on the lips once more instead turns to pink. As appears on, I assure you that is very portable. Perfect for spring and especially for the summer!

Lipstick Pupa Very Vintage Coral Dream 03. The photo shows the entire product's packaging.

Swatch Pupa Very Vintage Sheer Lipstick 03 with natural light.
Swatch Pupa Very Vintage Sheer Lipstick 03 with artificial light.
  • Sheer Lipstick 02 Nude Rose:
For the description and the swatch I send you back to the post precdente: -sheer-lipstick-02-la.html .

As for the glazes, are the usual Lasting Color already standing in the line of course with limited edition colors, so if you like I suggest you take it now! As I said I bought two. The third was Tiffany Fuchsia the 307, very nice! But they are filled with enamel colors of this because I have not got. The price of the enamel is 5.90 € and this varies depending on where you buy it. In the package contained 5 ml of the product and the deadline is 36 months from opening. Here are the details the ones I chose:
  • Lasting Color Pink Kiss 208:
It 's a very special colored powder. E 'quickly became one of my favorite glazes. It's good for any occasion or time of year. I find it elegant and fine. To get the color of the bottle takes two passes. Already at first, you still have good coverage. The finish is glossy and the enamel dries quickly. In the swatch below, I have stretched over the top coat of Rimmel.

Pupa Very Vintage Lasting Color Pink Kiss 208.

Swatch vintage enamel Pupa Very Lasting Color Pink Kiss 208.

  • 505 Divine Lasting Color Red:
Recall the color of your lipstick. It 'an orange with a little' pink, very heated. Truly beautiful! I find it perfect for summer. I have not tried it yet on the nails, but soon ineserirò the swatch and comments on the draft.

Pupa Very Vintage 505 Divine Lasting Color Red.

... For this collection I think I stop here. I also really liked the eye shadow but I found them expensive and with little tonal detail. The blush trio is very nice, but I autoconvinta I do not need: D Overall it's a collection that I liked very much: I find that the colors are portabilissimi and that the products are of good quality ... of course I recommend especially the lipsticks! I leave you with videos where he uses the Cliomakeup sheer lipstick 02 and 03. See you girls ^ ^

  • This video Clio uses the number 02 Nude Kiss :

  • This video Clio uses the number 03 Coral Dream :

Homeowners Insurance In Florida

Micromega February 2011 e-Bagnasco /

Sunday, February 27, 2011

What Do Glow In The Dark Jelly Bracelets Mean?

Poems of Juvenal in Naples Marco

in Naples, Thursday 3 March 2011, at 18:00

at the Library Treves ,
(Portici di San Francesco di Paola, Piazza del Plebiscito 11/12)

Cecilia Bello Minciacchi e Giancarlo Alfano presentano

SHELTER , di Marco Giovenale

(Donzelli, collana poesia, 2010)

scheda del libro: in allegato, e al link

Marco Giovenale vive e lavora in Rome. He is the editor of , "binary", the U.S. magazine "Now", and various web spaces. Occasionally cooperates with the cultural pages of the manifesto. Among the recent books: Policy glass (Oedipus, 2007), The house exposed (Letters, 2007, necklace fuoriformato) solution of matter (The Green Room, 2009), History of minutes (Transeuropa, 2010), Lie Lie (The Green Room, 2010) , and the prose of Primes (Archipelago, 2006) and Most (PoliMI, 2010). His lyrics are also in antologizzati plural word (Sossella, 2005), ninth book of contemporary poetry (Marcos y Marcos, 2007), volume Antonio Delfini prize in 2009, and in the recent issue of "L 'Enlightenment' (2011) devoted to "Poetry of the year Zero . By the editors of the book is gammm collective prose prose (Letters, 2009, fuoriformato). For Luke Sossella edited the anthology in 2008 by Roberto Roversi, Three poems and some prose .



Library Treves - Portici di San Francesco di Paola - Piazza del Plebiscite 11/12 - tel. 0817640858

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Best Region Free Dvd Recorder

Enamel Rimmel Nail Rescue (super Strengthening Treatment)

New post on glazes of Health Rimmel have my nails back to life after more than 20 years of intensive chewed. While in the first post I had talked enamel antigiallo (you can find here: ), today I show you the real and architect of its recovery of my nails: Nail the Rascue . More than one glaze hardener, is a real strengthening treatment. Found on the package indicated the method of use involves the use of enamel twice a week (after one day) for two weeks. I however I use it every time I wear the enamel after bleaching as the medium. Already at the time of writing, you will hear that penetrates into the enamel surface of your nails. Drying times are the order of one minute and the finish is shiny. The wording of this particular glaze was recently remade: the first was clear, now it's pink but still transparent. Once the same nail, nail polish, however, is totally colorless. It looks like this:

Rimmel London Nail Rescue - strengthening treatment.
Rimmel London Nail Rescue - strengthening treatment.

The pack contains 12 ml. I bought in September and used at least twice a week, the bottle is still in the middle. I use it for over a year and my nails are really hard ... I'm regenerated more! For a couple of months I had stopped to put it and the difference I have noticed and how! Rirpeso had to fall apart and weaken. The price is € 7 and you can also find in supermarkets. In short it is really a product that I recommend. See you girls ^ ^

Friday, February 25, 2011

Why Do People Think The English Are Ugly

"Byzantine Oratorio": the new book by Franco Arminio

Author: Franco Arminio
Foreword by Franco Cassano
Published in: February 2011
Pages: 160
ISBN: 88-230-1524-1

In this new book, Arminio collects his most lyrically civilians, and with its surreal and comic style reminiscent authorial posture a bit 'Emil Cioran and a little' the narrator 'in public' Peter Bichsel, acclaimed master of short prose. Divided into thematic groups (meetings moral, political experience, paesologo in the election campaign, the battles for civil hospital Bisaccia and against the landfill Formica) ilvolume census last year of the commitment authority of the Community of our country , which still uses the word in an attempt to save a piece of the world. What do literature, for which - as he wrote his mentor John Hidden, a sort of volunteer teacher for the Irpinia-author, "priority should be given the maximum individual things, against the abstractions of the experts and the phrases of current" .
Arminio is always in search of landscapes, human or natural. Dowsing sift them, relentlessly, without fear. Appointment, he warns, is indignant. He makes a battle against cynicism to the very innards: "There's always more to do when we do something for others," he says in a passage emblematico.E even if its center of gravity is to anthropological Bisaccia, not only about Irpinia , South, or the whole of Italy: the vision is global, Western, interweaving between rural culture, modernity and technology village, a vision of a capitalism that "by dint of expansion has become very small." Subversive mild speech and thought, lancia un j’accuse virulento contro i politici narcisi e ciechi, specchio sensibile di un declino sociale e morale, ma con la speranzae il sogno di un nuovo umanesimo, fatto di comunità «che vadano oltre il profilo dei singoli campanili e dei singoli comuni», e di nuove agorà.

Can I Get Earache Through A Battery Phone

farapoesia: Mario Fresa. Portraits of poetry (4)

farapoesia: Mario Fresa. Ritratti di poesia (4) : "La ricerca poetica di Ivano Mugnaini si fonda sull’intensità di un linguaggio fortemente percorso – diremmo consumato – da un’assidua mo..."

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Fotos Aus Meine Ferien

Poetry Competition "City of St. Anastasia" 2011 - The Call

Il Bando di concorso della IX Edizione 2011

Art. 1 – L’Associazione “ IncontrArci ” di Sant’Anastasia (Napoli), indice la IX Edizione del Concorso Nazionale di Poesia “Città di Sant’Anastasia” , al quale potranno partecipare tutti i cittadini residenti in Italia o all’estero, purché l’elaborato sia in lingua italiana.
Le precedenti edizioni del concorso sono state promosse e patrocinate dal Comune di Sant’Anastasia. Il patrocinio è stato richiesto anche per questa nona edizione. L’organizzazione, il coordinamento e la segreteria del concorso sono affidate the Literary Circle Anastasia.

Article 2 - There are two sections:
Sec. A - Developed in the Italian language on any subject of maximum 50 lines each.
Sec. B - Developed in Italian or Neapolitan dialect, inspired by the theme "Environment and Vesuvius area, maximum 50 lines each.

Article 3 - It 's possible involvement in both sections with a maximum 2 (two) compiled for each section, to be submitted in 6 copies, of which only one must bear in Addendum: name, date and place of birth, address, telephone number and any e-mail, indicating the desired section, a declaration of authenticity. E 'desirable but not necessary a brief curriculum literary author.

Article 4 - We require a contribution towards costs of the secretariat of Euro 10.00 (ten/00), payable on ccp no. 63401236 payable to the Association "Meet us , with reason: Poetry Competition City of St. Anastasia Edition IX.
The fee of € 10 will allow participation by one or both sections provided. Photocopy the payment will have to be attached to the elaborate.

Article 5 - The envelope containing the papers and proof of payment must be sent to: SECRETARIAT OF THE NATIONAL POETRY COMPETITION "CITTA 'of St. Anastasia," AT POST OFFICE OF OUR LADY OF' ARC, ARC 80 048 MADONNA (Napoli) later than April 15, 2011 . Please avoid highly recommended. E 'can also be sent by electronic mail to In this case you must attach the photocopy of versamento, oppure indicarne gli estremi.
Gli elaborati non saranno restituiti. L’Organizzazione non risponde di eventuali disguidi postali o mancati recapiti.

Art. 6 – Sono previsti i seguenti premi:

Per la Sez. A: 1° premio Euro 600; 2° premio Euro 350; 3° premio Euro 250.
Per la Sez. B: Targhe ai primi due classificati.
Eventuali premi speciali.

Saranno inoltre conferiti altri riconoscimenti consistenti in manufatti in rame dell’artigianato locale, libri e pubblicazioni artistiche. Diplomi con motivazioni per i premiati e i segnalati. Attestati di partecipazione per i poeti presenti alla cerimonia di premiazione. Non saranno prizes awarded ex-aequo.
will be extrapolated to a ranking party for all participants and young children (up to 23 years), and local participants, that will receive special recognition. These rankings do not preclude the participant or local youth to eventually earn prizes and awards planned for the two sections A and B.

Article 7 - It 's possible plans to print a booklet with the winning poems and motivations. This booklet will be distributed free during the ceremony.

Article 8 - The names of the examining board, whose decision is final, will be announced on the day of the awards ceremony to be held in St. Anastasia in the day and place to be determined (by the end of May 2011). Only the winners will be notified and reported. The other participants will know the results of the competition sites: ; , and other literary sites, or by calling the Secretariat.
Prizes must be collected directly by the owners. Only in case of serious and proven unavailable, it shall be delegated in writing. Otherwise, prizes will not be delivered or shipped.
Article. 10 of Law 675/96, shall ensure that personal data relating to participants will be used solely for the purposes of the competition.

For further information, is available to the Secretariat (Tel. 081.5301490 morning, 081.5301386 evenings) e-mail: .
The Secretariat thanks all those who want to spread the news of this poetry competition.
Please do not wait until the last day for submission of entries, in order to facilitate the work of the Secretariat and the Jury.

Real Pokemon For Sale

Pupa Very Vintage Sheer Lipstick 02: the review and my impressions of the collection.

Girls today I speak of this new lipstick collection Pupa P / E Very Vintage. The collection features three glazes Lasting Color Eyeshadow Luminys three formats on one side and the other pearl satin, a black liquid eyeliner, a blush consists of concentric rings of different colors and three lipsticks in question. You can still see the whole collection on the official website of the Pupa: . Before going into the review of the lipstick, I want to say a few words about my impressions of this collection that came out a week or so. Unfortunately, only yesterday I got to go to Sephora and of course there was already who has seen fit to plunder the stand: (As you have certainly seen by the various promotional images, colors, which focuses on the collection are pink and coral, when they are good or bad colors seen in magazines and all the sauces, but always welcome! For the glaze is a deep coral pink and almost red, color ... quite common that I have found a bit 'most original is a pink meat that I have hardly seen elsewhere, I found very elegant ... I think I'll be back to buy it. Eye shadows, although the colors are also already seen, they write really great! Both the satin shine that that are really pigmented. They are also wet and dry. I really liked what sull'arancio / gold € 16 but honestly I felt a bit 'too much especially for the colors that I already own. The product that I purchased is the happy trio blush: really nice! As I was saying is formed by concentric rings of different colors. What more can be used as interior lighting, the color gradually becomes darker, and you get the last ring that can be used as a ground. I found them silky to the touch, writers and a little dusty. The only flaw: the price! € 19.50 but in my opinion is worth them all! The pod is large enough and is not the usual blush! Unfortunately the fishing was over the color, then nada: (The eyeliner I have not tried but I read the very positive comments about the ease of writing that presents itself. And now we come to the product that I think is the most successful, and indeed to which was completed in all colors: lipstick! I find that the Pupa among volumizing lipstick and those of this collection has been exceeded! This is sheer lipstick, but then glossed comuque intense effect. It looks like this, pictures were all taken in natural light:

Lipstick Pupa Sheer Lipstick No. 2 collection "Very Vintage". The photo shows the entire product contents inside.

Lipstick Pupa Sheer Lipstick collection "Very Vintage".
Lipstick Pupa Sheer Lipstick collection "Very Vintage".
Packaging is the usual line of lipsticks that I find Standing strong and elegant, but is pink satin to bring up the theme of the collection. Unfortunately I have not seen the other colors as they were, because even the testers were gone! I was lucky because I was willing to buy the 02, which is the nude shade and there was only one:) What I love most about these lipsticks is that they are very very very moisturizing and creamy, but still leave color. The effect on the lips is less polished than that offered by an ordinary lip gloss but it is less dense than that left by a normal lipstick. The lips are optically more voluminous. Moreover, despite the consistency almost gloss is not sticky at all. Here's the swatch in different conditions di luce:

Swatch di Pupa Very Vintage Sheer Lipstick 02 a luce naturale.

Swatch di Pupa Very Vintage Sheer Lipstick 02 a luce artificiale.

Come vedete il colore è comunque evidente. L'unica nota negativa è la durata. Ovviamente la cremosità va a scapito della lunga durata, ma fino alle 2 ore senza ritocchi ho notato che regge bene. Sotto metto comunque una matita dello stesso colore in modo da farlo durare un po' di più. Il prezzo del rossetto è di 13 euro. La scadenza dall'apertura è di 24 mesi e il contenuto è di 3,8 ml. Credo che andrò alla ricerca anche degli altri colori perchè mi è veramente piaciuto molto:)
Per ora su questa collezione è tutto, a presto ragazze^^

Link alla seconda parte con la review su altri acquisti della collezione:

Registrybooster Vs Registery Mechanic

Syracuse Meeting "From the Kingdom of Sicily to the Kingdom of Italy"

gallery R oma
via Maestranza 110 Syracuse


Scheda tecnica

Oggetto: Incontro Culturale

: Francesco Purpura
Salvatore Zito
Location: via Maestranza 110 Syracuse

Date: 24 February 20 11
O re: 18.30
Organization and Management: Corrado Brancato

Press Officer: Amedeo Nicotra

Free Entry

I nfo

0931/66960 0931/746931 (Open Gallery)

"THE KINGDOM OF THE KINGDOM OF SICILY 'ITALY' is the title of the conference Professor. Francesco Purpura held on Thursday 24 February at 18.30 in the local gallery R oma, during celebrations of the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy organized by the Cultural Gallery New Rome.

Given its location, Sicily, from millennia, is a sort of bridge between three continents. Peoples from many different backgrounds, ideas, battle-hardened army, customs and trades of life, through our Island, arrived in Europe or from Europe arrived in Africa and Asia. Even Christianity has come to Rome passing through Syracuse. Inevitably, the unification of Italy could not be accomplished only through Sicily.
The conversation of February 24, after a brief historical overview of the origins of the Kingdom of Sicily, will focus on the events that followed during the first half of '800. Looking at copies of the documents found in the State of Syracuse, will discuss the revolutionary movement, the violent reaction delle autorità del tempo e le società segrete che, inevitabilmente, sorsero per contrastare un potere tanto arrogante e prepotente.

A ciascun socio sarà data una carpetta contenente copia dei documenti oggetto della conversazione .

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FlNJ Rostagno, and a new adventure to start

With the valiant Nico Blunt have spent on a series of strips that are going on Comicus . "FLNJ" is the name of the series, the theme is fantasy (or so) and I'm having a lot to sketch the characters and costumes of the protagonists.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Wat Training Actress Doo?

Beauty Blender: characteristics, use, and my views. Kiko

In questi giorni, finalmente ho avuto modo di provare la BeautyBlender che da poco tempo è nelle mie mani! Nel post vi scriverò, quindi, una scheda dettagliata su tutto quello che c'è da sapere su questa spugnetta oggetto di venerazione . As I announced in the previous post, I buy on the site Makeuplandia, the only authorized dealer for Italy, however, I leave you the link to the post where I explained in detail how to purchase and my experience with the site: . The BeautyBlender is present in different types of packaging: single, double, travel sets and single or double with BeautyCleanser (the cleaning fluid). I bought the pack and travel sets:

BeautyBlender pack and travel sets.

  • COST:
Regarding the price, the single package is € 16.90 and is therefore quite expensive. If you buy a double, however, the cost is € 24.90 ... so you save € 4.45 on a single sponge. Therefore I strongly recommend doing as I do: find a friend with whom to split the pack or otherwise acquire and retain the other two sponge, when the first becomes too worn. The travel set is also quite cheap: the cost of € 22.90 you get a sponge, a BlenderCleanser 90 ml and a handy bag for storing the BeautyBlender after using it. Inoltre acquistare anche il set, mi ha permesso di non pagare le spedizioni che sono di 6,90 euro, in quanto dopo la soglia di 50 euro sono gratuite. Vi consiglio, perciò, di coinvolgere un po' di persone nell'ordine, così il risparmio sarà maggiore.

La confezione doppia o singola, è costituita da un barattolo trasparente, con un piedistallo estraibile in plastica, utile per poggiare la spugnetta. Entrambre le spugne sono contenute nella stessa scatola. All'interno troverete anche un campioncino del BleanderCleanser e un cartoncino illustrativo su come utilizzare la spugna.

Beauty Blender pack.
The set consists of a travel bag containing the sponge and BlenderCleanser 90 ml.

BeautyBlender travel sets.
The sponge has an egg shape and then one end more pointed and the other rather than broad and flat. This is really useful in the preparation of the foundation. From dry is not very large (slightly smaller than the palm of my hand) and it is quite hard, like a normal sponge from foundation. The peculiarity which owns and which distinguishes it from all others, is the fact that the sponge is at its best self, used wet. Once wet, in fact, the dimensions are much larger:

Left: Beauty Blender dry. Right: BeautyBlender wet.
Once wet, you have to squeeze several times to remove excess water. In this way, the water will be contained only within the outer body surface is dry. The fact that inside is wet, is a huge advantage in that when you go to dip the foundation, this will be absorbed in small amounts from the sponge, which s'impregnerà only outside the foundation. This way you have just wasted product and the sponge is not too dirty.
  • USE:
After wet and wrung out the towel, I put a few drops of fluid fonditinta on the back of his hand and picks it up from time to time with the towel. As written in the leaflet that you will find inside the box (click to enlarge):

For large areas of the face such as cheeks, the cheekbones The front, you should use the flat side of the sponge. Instead, for the nose, lip, the eye area, you should use the more pointed in order to have a greater percisione.

The movement to do is to pat the sponge textured area and not to crawl over the sponge. In this way the coverage will be perfect and homogeneous. The first time you use it, it might seem strange to feel the effect of the damp sponge on the skin, but then we do the habit! The coverage you get is perfectly uniform: there are the typical lines left by the fingers, or marks left by the brush.

to keep alive as long as possible your sponge after each use, I suggest you wash it with warm water. For cleaning you can use the BlenderCleanser which is composed of detergent specially created from plant matter. The BlenderCleanser you can find it on sale even more alone in the pack of 90 ml at a cost of € 8.50. I note that in the case of the travel sets BlenderCleanser, contained within 6 € came out in practice:

Blender Cleanser.
Inci of BleanderCleanser.

should be equally well, however, a mild soap or brush cleaner. We advise you an antibacterial products. Washing usually put a bit 'of the detergent on the sponge, let it absorb a bit' and then the bath under running water and squeeze until I see that the water contained inside is transparent to pink. Then I put on a pedestal BeautyBlender or bag to dry. It may also be required overnight.

Once dry, the sponge will regain the size reduced the original.
  • My experience:
E 'for some days now that I use and I am very satisfied! I was particularly struck by the uniform coverage is obtained without those lines of the foundation that quickly leave the application with your fingers. The preparation of the foundation is fast. Personally I also use it to smooth the concealer for dark circles I use a stick, or the normal correction. I would like to specify that I only used the sponge with fluid products, I do not know how it behaves with the compact, but in my opinion the best result is obtained with the liquid or very creamy. The coverage you get is light, the foundation seems to not have it! That is perhaps not recommend in case, you have spoken to cover imperfections. In this case, maybe it's better to have a good spell at your disposal and then apply the foundation with this sponge. The question of course is the length of the sponge! I'm doing everything possible to keep the best. Then I'll tell you later. It 'came out a long post and I hope that has answered all the questions and curiosities that you could have ... See you soon girls ^ ^

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Feet Kates Playground

Colour Sphere Eyeshadow - last pieces in the balance 21 - 22 to 38

This post is dedicated to the Colour Sphere, Convex eye shadows wet & dry and the Kiko particularly those that are currently in balance (both in shops and on the site) because by now left the production. The price to 5.90 euro, fell to 3.90 euro and I assure you that a great deal! Of those in the balance, I've bought all three that are of excellent quality. Before seeing them, a premise on these eye shadows: some are still very dry by writers, some less, but when wet, the effect is much better: the color is intense and rich that in the case of using dry, you little notice. That is always recommended to use wet, partly because the color becomes permanent. To wet you can use a specific product (various fixatives) or simple water. I dip the brush in a drop of water and the result is really good. The finish of all eye shadows is very bright and full of microglitter in some cases tone on tone, in others of a different color. Used to be wet, the effect is almost metallic. I bought the number 38, 21 and 22. Here are the facts to light swatch natural

From left to right Kiko Colour Sphere Eyeshadow: 38 - 21 to 22

vediamoli color ... color:

  • 38 Light Green Melange:
It 's a light green, say pistachio, with streaks of gold and microglitter. Dry I must say that is not at all writer, but wet the color is really intense and you can enjoy the golden hues. Highly recommended, especially for spring to come!

Kiko Colour Sphere Eyeshadow 38 Light Green Melange.

Kiko Swatch Colour Sphere Eyeshadow 38 Light Green Melange. On the left is used dry, wet to the right.

  • 21 Brown Tortora:
It 'just a brown turtle with the very delicate microglitter tone on tone or slightly lighter. Dry on the eyelid is already evident, the wet course, the effect is more intense. I am using it in both ways. For natural makeup is perfect and elegant.

Kiko Colour Sphere Eyeshadow Brown 21 Tortora.

Kiko Swatch Colour Sphere Eyeshadow21 Brown Tortora. On the left is used dry, wet to the right.

  • 22 Bordeaux:
In wafer is a deep burgundy with mciroglitter of tone on tone. Lying on the eyelid, dry weather, the effect is that of a warm brown, wet instead burgundy hue is more evident. This eye shadow is also very dry writer. I use it often combined with a rose. It 's really very nice!

Kiko Swatch Colour Sphere Eyeshadow 22 Bordeaux.

Kiko Swatch Colour Sphere Eyeshadow 22 Bordeaux. On the left is used dry, wet to the right.

The expiration of the shadows is 18 months after opening the package and contains 1.8 g of product. Inside, you will also find the classic blender. I recommend you really take them before they end! See you girls ^ ^