Monday, February 28, 2011

Will Toenail Grow Back After Fungus

Poetry: Bruno Galluccio in Telese Terme (BN)

Conversation with Bruno Galluccio

"Vertical "

Mercoledì 2 marzo 2011, ore 18 .30

Fondazione "Gerardino Romano"

Piazzetta G. Romano, 15

Telese Terme (BN)

Mercoledì 2 marzo 2011 , alle ore 18.30 , la Fondazione “ Gerardino Romano ”, head office in Piazzetta G. Romano, No 15, Telese Terme (BN), will host the poet Bruno Galluccio, a Neapolitan, with a degree in Physics, also passed in a telecommunications company. The meeting will be coordinated by prof. Happy Casucci . We will discuss the book: "Vertical " , Einaudi, 2009, the first literary work of great depth and high-impact editorial author Naples. In his work, Galluccio, expresses a tension that borders on the unspeakable literary. The moments of the work ( emerging plan, projections, mathematician Georg Contor, Vertical ) experiment with various linguistic and thematic expectations, calculations, sounds, spaces, painful silence, sidereal movements, acquiescence, eclipse, skew curves, measures and limits, unanswered eyes, insomnia, words like cold drops, books that light the night like a candle, the dead come back for a while, acquittals and convictions, discontinuities in the ruin, the thoughts of sharp objects, vertical closed pens with memories, circles, having ice, smiles that come from ancient times, hurried steps and strong runs in the words deaf, homes austere solitude of the tables, celestial mechanics, night trains and stations stunned lamps, frames fetal mute syllables, planets reminiscent breaths, drop, effects, phrases, mutilated, relentless rain, hair almost timid, exclamation inappropriate, steep streets, shells that can accommodate all the water. This tale of poetry alive! This is the testimony of the poet of today!

Foundation meetings are open to the public, are held every week and represent a moment of dialogue which aims to promote cultural growth, balanced and sustainable, the Samnite territory.


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