Sunday, February 27, 2011

What Do Glow In The Dark Jelly Bracelets Mean?

Poems of Juvenal in Naples Marco

in Naples, Thursday 3 March 2011, at 18:00

at the Library Treves ,
(Portici di San Francesco di Paola, Piazza del Plebiscito 11/12)

Cecilia Bello Minciacchi e Giancarlo Alfano presentano

SHELTER , di Marco Giovenale

(Donzelli, collana poesia, 2010)

scheda del libro: in allegato, e al link

Marco Giovenale vive e lavora in Rome. He is the editor of , "binary", the U.S. magazine "Now", and various web spaces. Occasionally cooperates with the cultural pages of the manifesto. Among the recent books: Policy glass (Oedipus, 2007), The house exposed (Letters, 2007, necklace fuoriformato) solution of matter (The Green Room, 2009), History of minutes (Transeuropa, 2010), Lie Lie (The Green Room, 2010) , and the prose of Primes (Archipelago, 2006) and Most (PoliMI, 2010). His lyrics are also in antologizzati plural word (Sossella, 2005), ninth book of contemporary poetry (Marcos y Marcos, 2007), volume Antonio Delfini prize in 2009, and in the recent issue of "L 'Enlightenment' (2011) devoted to "Poetry of the year Zero . By the editors of the book is gammm collective prose prose (Letters, 2009, fuoriformato). For Luke Sossella edited the anthology in 2008 by Roberto Roversi, Three poems and some prose .



Library Treves - Portici di San Francesco di Paola - Piazza del Plebiscite 11/12 - tel. 0817640858


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