Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Blueprint For A Sledge

ELF Brushes Basic Line

In questo post voglio mostrarvi tutti i miei pennelli della linea base di E.L.F., con i quali  mi sto trovando veramente bene. La linea basic ne offre diversi tipi per ogni esigenza per il viso e per gli occhi, il tutto a solo 1.70 euro! Tutti i pennelli presentano il manico in plastica bianca e una base metallica per le setole. Onestamente non ispirano molta solidità, ma per ora non ho avuto problemi a riguardo. Devo dire che per il viso non ne ho acquisto solo uno...leggendo varie recensioni, l'opinione comune relativa ad essi è che non sono morbidissimi al tatto: per il viso ci tengo molto alla morbidezza delle setole e alla sesazione di "carezza" vellutata. Quindi mi sono rivolta ai pennelli della linea Studio ELF always having all these features I'm looking for:) As for the brushes for the eyes I think they are really good: they are soft, comfortable to handle and above all the right size! I also own the Studio line of brushes for eyes and honestly prefer those of the baseline, since the first find them quite large and less flexible. I have around 5 brushes:

From top to bottom: Lip Defining Brush, Defining Eye Brush, eyeshadow brush, concealer brush, eye blending brush.

... Let's see in detail (click to enlarge):

  • Lip Defining Brush:

Of all the ones I have, the lip brush is perhaps what I like less! The bristles find them too mobile and therefore you may not be precise application of lipstick. The bristles are extremely soft in this case is a defect. I can still safely use it and wash it and I'm not a hair or two. I think in future I'll try that line Mineral.

  • Defining Eye Brush

This brush I find it really good! He has very soft bristles and angled shape is particularly suitable for tracking the so-called 'V' on the outer corners of the eyelid and apply eye shadow in the crease of the eye and along the lower lash rim. In the wash I have never lost a hair.

  • Eyeshadow Brush:

It 's the typical flat eyeshadow brush. He bristles thick and soft. E 'right to draw the eye shadow over the entire upper eyelid and under the eyebrows. I find that works better with powder eye shadows, as it has very flexible bristles. The only negative is that I lost the first wash the bristles. I have two and both happened to me ... now it seems to have stopped. I recommend it anyway!

  • Concelear Brush

What to correction, is the only brush that I have for the face and it is still a brush that affects large areas as may to be a powder or blush. I use it only when I am not in a hurry (almost rare cases) to lay on the concealer imperfections, or finger and go! : D Pick a very few spelling and tapping on the point concerned with the brush. His work makes him great! The bristles are hard and compact so it is indicated for the correction fluid. Washing has never lost a hair. Recommended!

  • Blending Eye Brush

The last of the roundup is the gradient brush for eye shadow. What about girls ... it is simply fantastic! It has soft bristles soft and flexible. Is neither too small nor too big and it's perfect to smudge the color in the crease of the eye and is especially suitable for powdered formula. In the first washing I had lost some hair ... just yesterday, washing it, I came away he's a whole bunch (maybe the water was too hot! However, I will own council, also because at this price, it can easily get more than one!

As for washing the brushes, I use the brush shampoo line Study of ELF (reviewed here: http://makeupsunny.blogspot.com/2010/12/elf- brush-shampoo.html ) with which I am fine!
And with the brushes of the baseline over ... we are very curious to try the eye crease brush came out recently ... surely end up in my prossimo ordine! A presto, con la recensione dei pennelli della linea Studio^^

Link alla recensione dei pennelli della linea studio: http://makeupsunny.blogspot.com/2011/02/elf-pennelli-linea-studio.html


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