First national event to raise awareness about natural weight
in September will be held in Lecce, the first national event to raise awareness about anorexia, bulimia, obesity.
The event titled EP (n) different! is organized by the scientific and cultural
Salome ONLUS ( and Big Sur
laboratory of images and visions ( - in collaboration with ASL Lecce Villa Luisa - under the prevention project on eating disorders foraging behavior promoted by the Ministry for Youth Policy and Sport and the Ministry of Health (see "Gaining Health"
E 'can send proposals to implement the event in terms of cultural or scientific meetings, performances and concerts.
For information: The project
Pe (n) different!, POGAS and funded by the Ministry of Health, provides an awareness campaign for 3x6 images on posters that will be posted in Puglia and in the capital city of other regions who request it, a national event, a website, a video spot.
The aim is to prevent the development of very serious diseases is increasing among young people, such as eating disorders, which include among the factors triggering especially those socio-cultural. The awareness campaign
Pe (n) different! proposes an alternative way to gently protest against the cultural pressures of our society to be thin, as if that were the only medo to achieve success and esteem or happiness.
To celebrate whatever size we have, in the only heart we have, and do not let that concern about weight and shape of our bodies are wrapped our quality of life. Why
each of us makes a difference!