Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Lindsay Dawn Mackenzi Bra

300g di pasta sfoglia
150g di burro
2 uova
80g di zcchero
100g di farina
un cucchiaino di lievito per dolci
la scorza di un limone grattugiato
2-3 apples, peach jam
Preparation: Assemble the
beer with sugar and adds eggs, flour and baking powder zest of the lemon zest stirring until blended.
Butter a mold of 24 cm in diameter covered with the pastry and make a few holes with a fork and stendereuno layer of jam then add the mixture.
Peel the apples into thin slices and distribute vertically following the shape of the mold. Put in oven at 180 degrees for 40 minutes


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