Monday, May 12, 2008

X Vedio Mysore Mallige

The pleasures of life

This meme has been passed by me and Thanks! !!!!!
These are the rules:
Enter your blog that you appointed with attached link

Describe the rules of conduct
Write 6 things that you want to do
Appoint 6 other blog which is expected to continue through the meme
Leave a comment on all 6 aforementioned blog

1) The first joy of life for me is being in the company of people I love.
2) My passion for cooking!
3) Stay and watch the waves ...
4) The company of our little friends full of love ... but the animals
5) Travel ...
6) The coffee in the morning!
Spending meme a. ... Dolceviola, Nino, Cannelle, Calamyca mad cow disease, and Pippi Anicestellato
A big kiss to all and sorry if this is not like before, when I step with great pleasure!! a mega kiss

Saturday, May 3, 2008

How To Get Gold Quick Hack Wow

photo a day from sea to Sorrento

Yesterday before going down to the sea, I took pictures in a square near my house.
The sea seemed a blue table .... and thought I'd share these photos with you!
From start to work tomorrow, I will not have much time like now to update my blog and visit your wonderful recipes, this already makes me sad when I have time I will try ....... to recover.
A kiss to all mega Valeria

Monday, April 28, 2008

What Can I Get Dad For His Birthday

Cake with Strawberry Cream Butterfly

Today is my name day and this is the cake I made, everyone enjoyed!
is a simple sponge cake decorated with cream and filled with custard and strawberries.
The recipe of sponge cake and custard is always the same I used for other desserts such as cake mimosa, only the decoration is different.
I would love to have you all here at my house! a kiss Valeria

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Poster Template To Decorate

First national event to raise awareness about natural weight

in September will be held in Lecce, the first national event to raise awareness about anorexia, bulimia, obesity.

The event titled EP (n) different! is organized by the scientific and cultural Salome ONLUS ( and Big Sur laboratory of images and visions ( - in collaboration with ASL Lecce Villa Luisa - under the prevention project on eating disorders foraging behavior promoted by the Ministry for Youth Policy and Sport and the Ministry of Health (see "Gaining Health"

E 'can send proposals to implement the event in terms of cultural or scientific meetings, performances and concerts.
For information: The project

Pe (n) different!, POGAS and funded by the Ministry of Health, provides an awareness campaign for 3x6 images on posters that will be posted in Puglia and in the capital city of other regions who request it, a national event, a website, a video spot.
The aim is to prevent the development of very serious diseases is increasing among young people, such as eating disorders, which include among the factors triggering especially those socio-cultural. The awareness campaign

Pe (n) different! proposes an alternative way to gently protest against the cultural pressures of our society to be thin, as if that were the only medo to achieve success and esteem or happiness.

To celebrate whatever size we have, in the only heart we have, and do not let that concern about weight and shape of our bodies are wrapped our quality of life. Why
each of us makes a difference!

Loss Of Normal Cervical Lordosis

a simple and fast but very good .....

for 4-5 people Ingredients: 400g pasta
type butterflies

200g smoked salmon 2 tablespoons heavy cream onion

a knob of butter 1 tablespoon olive oil salt and Parmesan cheese to taste

In a pan saute butter, olive oil and onion.
Chop the salmon as a cream, add it in the pan and cook for 2 minutes.
Add the cream and cook for 2 minutes, it will become a cream to light pink. Cook the pasta to drain part pour into skillet and mix well. If you like to serve with Parmesan cheese.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Mount And Blade The Wedding Dance Holiday

salmon quiche tart strawberries

Ingredients for the dough: 250g flour
butter 1 egg a pinch of salt
for the filling: 100g cooked ham
400g Ricotta
50g grated parmesan
Preparation: make the dough and leave to rest for 30 minutes in the refrigerator.
Mince the ham, unirlo alla riotta setacciata, aggiungere l'uovo sbattuto, il parmigiano e un pizzico di sale. Stendere 3/4 della pasta e foderarci una teglia inburrata e infarinata aggiugere il composto di ricotta, con la restante pasta fare le striscette come in foto.
Mettere in forno a 180 per circa 30 minuti.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Visible Worms Feces Cat

Ingredienti per la pasta frolla:
3 tuorli
150g di burro
300g di farina
80g di zucchero
Per la crema pasticciera:
5 dl di latte
3 torli
90g di zucchero
75g di farina
25g di burro
la buccia sottile di un limone
250ml di panna montata
Fragole per guarnire.
Preparazione: fare la pasta frolla, stenderla e foderate uno stampo imburrato e infarinato, picchiettate il fondo con una forchetta e mettere in forno a 180 gradi per 20 minuti circa. Fare la crema Mettere in una pentola i tuorli dellle uova e lo zucchero e montare a neve fino ad ottenere una spuma. Aggiungere la farina. la buccia del limone e una punta di vaniglia.
Mettere il latte a scaldare e quando è sul punto di bollire versarlo sui tuorli montati, mescolare accuratamente.
Mettere nuovamente sul fuoco e girare con un cucchiaio di legno finchè la crema non thickens.
to cool the cream, add the whipped cream into the mix then you have the right to roll out pastry and garnish with strawberries. Put in refrigerator for 1 hour.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

How To Mastor Bat For Man

Doughnut orange sun

Ingredients: 350g flour
250g butter 1 orange
5 eggs 350g sugar
1 tablespoon baking powder 1 pinch

salt Preparation: Work
Cream butter, small pieces with 300g of sugar and grated orange rind.
Incorporate the eggs one at a time, then add flour sifted with baking powder and salt.
Pour the mixture into a cake mold, bake at 170 degrees for 50 minutes.
Prepare the syrup by dissolving the remaining 50g of sugar with the juice of the orange juice until the liquid thickens. Turn out the cake and pour over the syrup of orange.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

What Color Fits With Black

Today I received this wonderful prize "Excellent blog award" from : / thank Fiorella has made me very, very pleased to receive this award six gentillissima.
I want to give the award to Nino perchè è un maestro della cucina e anche per la sua simpatia.
A dolceviola perchè il suo è il primo blog che ho visitato e ci tengo particolarmente un bacio dolceviola. Anche se Nino e Dolceviola sono stati già premiati il mio pensiero è andato a loro. Saluti a tutti!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Lindsay Dawn Mackenzi Bra

300g di pasta sfoglia
150g di burro
2 uova
80g di zcchero
100g di farina
un cucchiaino di lievito per dolci
la scorza di un limone grattugiato
2-3 apples, peach jam
Preparation: Assemble the
beer with sugar and adds eggs, flour and baking powder zest of the lemon zest stirring until blended.
Butter a mold of 24 cm in diameter covered with the pastry and make a few holes with a fork and stendereuno layer of jam then add the mixture.
Peel the apples into thin slices and distribute vertically following the shape of the mold. Put in oven at 180 degrees for 40 minutes

Thursday, April 10, 2008

American Lock Combination

Sweet Biscuits crumbly chocolate

Ingredients: 30g cocoa powder 300g flour
200g butter 100g sugar 5 eggs
Preparation: Boil the eggs for 8 minutes, cool them and shell them.
Whisk the egg and keep aside. Mix the butter and sugar in a bowl, combine the flour and egg yolks and stir.
United cocoa in the middle of the dough and let rest. Roll out the dough
, arrotolateli.Tagliate overlap them in slices and arrange on a baking sheet. With cut-outs formed other biscuits.
Bake at 170 degrees for 13 minutes.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Reel To Reel Tape Recorders

Pizza Pizza St. Anthony or cream

This dolce è tipico del giorno di Sant'Antonio patrono della città di Sorrento, questa è una delle varie versioni che il dolce viene preparato.


Pasta frolla:
3 tuorli d'uovo
100g di zucchero
150g di burro
300g di farina
un pizzico di lievito per dolci
Per la crema:
1/2 l di latte
2oog di cioccolato fondente
100g di zucchero
100g di farina
4 tuorli d'uovo
la buccia del limone
Make the pastry and let it rest.
Prepare the filling: put the sugar in a bowl with the egg yolks, and stir with a wooden spoon and add the flour, a piece of lemon peel to the vaniglia.Mettere Heat up the milk and when it is hot pour on eggs processed, mixing well into the saucepan on the fire contunuamente stirring until the cream thickens.
One half of this cream is poured into a dish and allowed to cool, the other is always dark chocolate melts in the pot and then gets cool. With half
pastry is lining a baking dish and pour the cream and black and the white cream, cover with the other half of dough pastry stretched. Bake for 40 minutes at 180 degrees. Cool before serving you well.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Synchronize Pro X Rapid


Thanks to Nino for giving me the award seal!

too, now I have to give the prize of seal ................ for me to go because I really like the Cannelle His blog and his recipes are excellent. Cannelle great!!

I like to give the seal to many other friends but have already been awarded.

Greetings to all!

Friday, April 4, 2008

How Long Does My Hair Have To Be For A Brazilian

timbale of zucchini, meat sauce and tiramisu to

1kg di zucchini
350g di polpa di pomodoro
500g di carne macinata
300g di salsiccia
1/2 bicchiere di vino bianco
1 cipolla
pecorino grattugiato
Per la besciamella:
50g di farina
50g di burro
1/2 litro di latte
Preparazione: lava e pulisci le zucchine, tagliarle a fette di 1 cm nel senso della lunghezza. Soffriggere cipolla e olio in padella, unire la carnr macinata e la salsiccia a pezzettini, versare il vino bianco e poi aggiungere la polpa di pomodoro, il sale mrscola e cuoci per 30 minuti circa.
Fare la besciamella: scogliere il burro in un tegame, versare la farina e mescola. Unisci il latte freddo, mescola con una frusta, sala e cuoci per 10 minuti.
Friggi i zucchini, asciugale su carta assorbente, foderaci i bordi e il bottom of the mold making them overboard. Make a layer with half of the bechamel sauce and an alternate, and finally finish with the sauce, sprinkle with cheese and cover with slices of zucchini overflow, bake at 180 for 30 minutes.
(If you prefer, you can replace the zucchini with eggplant)

Monday, March 31, 2008

How Long After Drinking Can You Take Ativan


Ingredients: 1 can of pineapple
350g of sponge
3 eggs 80g sugar
250g mascarpone
Separate egg whites from the yolk, whip the egg whites and set them aside.

Beat the egg yolks with sugar and add the mascarpone cheese, creamy and dense in order isere the egg whites until stiff. Put the pineapple juice content in the container in a bowl, inzzuppare the ladyfingers in the pan and put them in line propio such as tiramisu normal, pour the cream over the first layer of sponge with a few slices of pineapple and continue that way until the end ingredients.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Book Chronic Appendicitis

pineapple apple pie and chocolate

Ingredients: 500g
apples (Golden Quality)
150g sugar 180g flour
3uova entire
1 tablespoon baking powder
50g rum
100g milk 100g milk chocolate
Beat eggs with sugar and salt. United top the flour sifted with baking powder, milk and rum until a homogeneous batter.
Peel and slice apples, plunge into the batter and turn.
Add the coarsely chopped chocolate. Pour into a greased mold.
Bake at 180 degrees for about 40 minutes.

Friday, March 21, 2008

4play Los Angeles Amatuear Night


Ingredients For the pastry: 3 egg
150 150 300
butter flour a pinch of salt
lemon zest For the filling: 100g of milk
30g butter 20 g chopped citron
diced 700g ricotta cheese 400g cooked corn
sugar 5 eggs 2 egg yolks and a sachet of vanilla
a vial of a thousand flowers
Make the pastry and set aside.
Pour the corn into a saucepan, add milk, butter and lemon rind. Heat for 15 minutes, stirring until it becomes cream.
Whisk the ricotta, sugar, 5 eggs and 2 egg yolks, one packet of vanilla, the aroma of a thousand flowers.
work thoroughly and add the lime.
grano.Stendere Mix well with the pastry and cover the pan with butter and cover with the mixture of ricotta. Pastiera decorate with strips of pastry.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

8 Telescope Reflector

caramelized pear tart

Ingredients For the pastry: 300g flour
150g butter 150g sugar 3 egg yolks
half a cup of milk
grated rind of one lemon
a pinch of salt For the filling: 6 tablespoons sugar
4 pears sliced \u200b\u200b
the pan where you want to cook put the cake about 6 tablespoons of sugar and put it on the fire to dissolve the sugar. When the sugar is melted spread it throughout the pan (the edges) with a spoon. Once the caramel has cooled place the slices of pear. Prepare the pastry: arrange the flour on the table in the middle put the butter, egg yolks, sugar them, salt the grated peel of lionr and milk.
Mix quickly until dough is firm but not hard. Lasiare rest in a cool place for 15 minutes. Roll out the pastry over the pears caramelized before, like a tart upside down. Bake in oven for 25-30 minutes at 180g. When cooked, remove the cake from the pan onto a plate leaving the turn, so the top of the cake will be the one with the pear slices coated with a layer of caramel.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Implantation Bleeding Lining

Risotto with baked peas

6 people Ingredients: 750g rice
100g butter 300g
50g grated parmesan
1 cipolla
1 scatola di piselli
1 misurino d'olio
in una pentola si fa soffriggere olio, burro, cipolla, pancetta, quindi si aggiugono i piselli e un bicchiere di acqua facendo cuocere il tutto per 10 minuti.
Si sbattono uova, formaggio e sale in un piatto. il riso viene lessato e tolto piuttosto al dente e poi si condisce con il burro e le uova. Si unge il fondo e le pareti di un ruoto e si versa la matà del riso, i piselli e la provola fatta a fettine. Si copre il tutto con il riso restante cospargendo poi di pangrattato e fiocchi di burro. Si mette in forno a temperatura piuttosto alta per 20 minuti. Si serve caldo.